
Google acquires Zenter for presentations

Obviously, online presentation tools are important for Google -- they have been on a shopping spree for these types of services lately. Today they are announcing the acquisition of Zenter and about a month ago, the company du jour was Tonic.
Written by Garett Rogers, Inactive
Obviously, online presentation tools are important for Google -- they have been on a shopping spree for these types of services lately. Today they are announcing the acquisition of Zenter and about a month ago, the company du jour was Tonic. Tonic has spent much time figuring out how to be 100% binary compatible with Microsoft Powerpoint.

Haochi from Googlified thinks the acquisition may have been because after buying Tonic, they realized it was going to be too difficult to make part of Google's suite of applications. I am leaning towards the idea that Tonic will be used as the exporting engine in the future.

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