
Google gets VERY personal: Can we be friends?

Did you know that a search engine could be your “friend”?Not just any search engine is capable of such intimacy though, it must be a Googley one, the new “iGoogle” one in fact.
Written by Donna Bogatin, Contributor

Did you know that a search engine could be your “friend”?

Not just any search engine is capable of such intimacy though, it must be a Googley one, the new “iGoogle” one in fact.

If cheery Marissa Mayer is doing the introductions, than you know its going to be Googley good.

Google’s vice president of search products and user experience had the announcement honors, unveiling “iGoogle” to the world, Google’s Personalized Homepage world, “tens of millions” strong, so says Mayer. What’s more, Personalized Google users are among Google’s most active users, Google’s favorite type.


But what’s “tens of millions” in the Google organize ALL the world’s information world? Google wants more “personalized” users of Google, many, many more.

How does it plan to gain them? By promising to be a friend!

With a personal login, "the search engine is your friend and starts to know something about you,” Mayer solicits.

What does Google want to know about YOU, and why?

Your “Web History,” for one (big) thing, where you call home, via your default Google Maps location, of course, what types of “Google Gadgets” you like to play with, who you share them with...

For Google’s Mayer: “a search engine that understands me” is what matters. One caveat: No mutual understanding, however, without a Google login.

"Which sites do you visit frequently? How many searches did you do between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m.?”

If you give yourself, and such personal information, over to Google, Google promises it will be worth it, starting with location-influenced Google SERPs.

For example, type in a search query for “diner” and, theoretically, search results including diners near where Google “thinks” you are, will be returned. Perhaps you really were interested in the history of diners, not a place to get a hamburger? Google may be your friend, but it can’t read your mind! (yet)

Google does want to get much more friendly though. In Google’s personalized vision, everyone is special in their own special way.

Sepandar Kamvar, Personalization Engineer:

We want to personalize the traditional notion of search. I am an eclectic person. But everyone is. We can't go about designing products for the average person.

No, Google would never think of such a thing. Google needs YOUR help, so it can help YOU.

Google wants personalized search friends, billions of them, and is counting on each and every one of us to pitch in and do our Googely part so that Google may develop the perfect search experience for one and ALL.

The more Google friends, the more Google can organize ALL the world’s information to target ALL the worlds’ inhabitants, the personal way, with personalized (even higher margin) Google ads.

ALSO: Google user data cloud: Do you trust it? and
Google vs. Google on privacy, or not and
Google, YouTube double down on user tracking: DoubleClick next up and
Google to tag users across Web: Privacy Boomerang?

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