
Google goes Down Under: G'day Google!

G'day, California! Proudly cheers Google Software Engineer Alice Boxhall, direct from Google Sydney, as in Australia.
Written by Donna Bogatin, Contributor
G'day, California! Proudly cheers Google Software Engineer Alice Boxhall, direct from Google Sydney, as in Australia.

Ms. Boxhall is on a goodwill mission, a (hopefully) welcome to Google Australia, for all hard working prospective Googley engineers.

Google is inviting engineers from Silicon Valley to meet engineers from Sydney at a "G'day Google" open house at the Mountain View Googleplex next week. Google is particularly interested in bringing newly Californian Australians back home, down under!:

If you happen to be one of the 100,000 Australian expats who lives in California, it's not too late to sign up for G'day Google.

What does a "G'day Google" entail?:

There will be several Australian Google engineers there (including me!) to chat with you California sorts about life as a Google engineer down under.

Working in the Sydney office is lots of fun and incredibly challenging. My desk looks over Darling Harbour, so it can sometimes be difficult to spend all day looking at a monitor.

  • Demonstrations of cool Google technology that has been built in Sydney
  • Talks about what global engineering products are currently being worked on in Sydney; it's not just Google Maps!
  • Australian food and drink -- I'm talking Vegemite sangers, yabbies, meat pies, Australian beer, more Australian beer, and wine
  • Yes, Google is on a tireless quest for the best and brightest in software engineering wherever those engineers may be, or wherever they may want to be.

    Google is always a gracious host at its engineering open houses. I have enjoyed the Google engineering hospitality at the NYC Googleplex: Google challenges NYC software engineers.

    Surprisingly, though, Ms. Boxahll says:

    When I mention I'm an engineer in our Sydney office, I'm often greeted with looks of surprise: it seems many people aren't aware of our Australian presence.

    Odd indeed, given that the top South East Asia Google exec, Richard Kimber, is not shy in touting the Google Australian power, as he did last November upon his arrival at Google (Google: YouTube won’t cannibalize TV):

    We're continuing to invest in local engineering here in Australia, so we're looking to attract the best talent and recruit them locally, here in Australia.

    We're going to continue build out our business here, broaden the range of services that we have and leverage off the leading position that we have in this market, where we account for about 80 per cent of the search traffic and we're the number one website in Australia.

    Hey, those folks down under can teach the Moutain View Googlers a thing or two: 80% search market share in Australia? Google U.S. has a bit of catching up to do!

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