
'Hot Lesbian Video - Rihanna and Hayden Panettiere' scam on Facebook leads to Mac malware

Researchers from Sophos have intercepted a currently ongoing Facebook scam which exposes users to Mac scareware.
Written by Dancho Danchev, Contributor

Researchers from Sophos have intercepted a currently ongoing Facebook scam which exposes users to Mac scareware.

Spamvertised as:

one more stolen home porn video ;) Rihanna and Hayden PanettiereHot Lesbian Video - Rihanna And Hayden Panettiere!!Rihanna And Hayden Panettiere !!! Private Lesbian HOT Sex Tape stolen from home archive of Rihanna!

Upon clicking on the link, users are exposed to a fake scanning window, which is actualy MAC OS X scareware variant currently detected as OSX/FakeAV-DWK, OSX/FakeAV-DWN, OSX/FakeAvDl-A and OSX/FakeAVZp-C.

Users are advised to be extra vigilant when interacting with Facebook links, even those distributed by trusted friends, and take advantage of the anti-clickjacking features offered by the NoScript Firefox add-on.

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