
HP2133 & Ubuntu - Sometimes You Just Have To Laugh

I have spent a lot of time this weekend trying to get Ubuntu 8.10 installed on my HP 2133 Mini-Note.
Written by J.A. Watson, Contributor

I have spent a lot of time this weekend trying to get Ubuntu 8.10 installed on my HP 2133 Mini-Note. I couldn't even get the LiveCD to bring up the GUI properly, the X server just wouldn't work, and I tried everything I know, and some things I don't know. Nothing worked, and nothing even seemed to get close.

I had been avoiding trying Ubuntu 9.04 because it is still in the Alpha stage, and the release notes say that it uses a newer version of Xorg, for which a lot of the video drivers haven't caught up yet. Finally, I gave up on 8.10 and just for a laugh put in the 9.04 LiveCD. It works. Insert the CD, boot, select "Install Ubuntu", and it works. Sigh. Oh Ye of Little Faith!

So, as I write this Ubuntu 9.04 Alpha 4 is installing on the Mini-Note. Next comes finding and installing the latest openchrome video and broadcom wireless drivers, and then I'll see how it all looks. Updates to follow...

jw 8/2/2009

Update: Ubuntu 9.04 Alpha 4 does install on the HP2133, and it does work, at least to the extent that one might expect of an Alpha release. I was able to compile and install the latest openchrome drivers, as described in the Ubuntu How-To's. However, the sound is extremely bad (very scratchy), the screen size and resolution are inconsistent, and then when I had been working on that for a while Ubuntu suddenly hung in a loop playing the login music. At that point I gave up for this release, I'll have another go when the next Alpha comes out.


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