
In and out of love...with Web Services

Liz Lightfoot has some interesting insights on Web services over at our sister blog DataPoint. Leveraging some analysis from BT Trax, she notes that "interest in Web services ebbs and flows with some periodicity.
Written by Britton Manasco, Contributor

Liz Lightfoot has some interesting insights on Web services over at our sister blog DataPoint. Leveraging some analysis from BT Trax, she notes that "interest in Web services ebbs and flows with some periodicity."

While Gartner's initiation of coverage back in 2001 was a key milestonewith regard to overall interest, few events have captured attention since. One recent exception: In February 2005, Microsoft piqued some interest among our audience with a preview of their new Indigo technology, which is the company s "preferred shade for Web services."

As Lightfoot explains, nowadays "the broader concept of SOA, or service oriented architecture, has stripped most of the limelight away from the promise of what Web services can do for business. "

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