
It never works right when you demo Windows 7 on Japanese TV

It's always awful when you try to demo something to a large audience and then it fails miserably.I found this video on Jason Calacanis' Mahalo.
Written by Jason Perlow, Senior Contributing Writer

It's always awful when you try to demo something to a large audience and then it fails miserably.

I found this video on Jason Calacanis' Mahalo.com site, a snippet of a Windows 7 demonstration on a segment of "Tokudane" on Fuji TV, a show roughly analogous to the "Today" or "Good Morning America" show in the United States. While clearly the SONY touchscreen PC had some driver issues, and it would be hard to point the blame directly at Windows 7, it's still painfully hilarious to watch.

[EDIT: Apparently, they eventually got it right. :)]

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