
Jide Remix Mini Kickstarter campaign coming for $30 Android PC

The company behind the Remix Ultra tablet is getting ready to launch a Kickstarter campaign for the under $30 Remix Mini.
Written by James Kendrick, Contributor
Jide Remix Mini (lower left, monitor not included)
(Image: Jide)
Jide first caught the tech world's attention with the Remix Ultra tablet (see ZDNet review), a premium tablet based on an Android kernel topped with the Remix OS. Remix OS is designed to be more productive than Android, and the UI is built to scale up to displays larger than those on mobile systems.

The company is now readying a Kickstarter campaign for the Remix Mini, a small box much like a Chromebox that runs the Remix OS. It is aimed at those wanting a cheap system in a tiny form that becomes a desktop system with a monitor, keyboard, and mouse. It packs a lot inside the little puck, as the hardware specs detail:

Remix Mini specs (subject to change):

  • CPU: Quad-Core 1.5GHz
  • GPU: Supports H.265 FHD Hardware decoder
  • OS: Android Lollipop kernel/ Remix OS
  • RAM: 1GB Storage: 8GB eMMC
  • Wi-Fi: 802.11b/g/n
  • Ethernet: Gigabit
  • Bluetooth: 4.0
  • HDMI: 1.4
  • Dimensions: 4.9in x 3.5in x 1in
As it did with the first tablet campaign, Jide will provide a Mini to all backers, starting at $20. The retail price of the Remix Mini will be less than $30 according to Jide.
Jide Remix Mini

The low price of the Remix Mini makes it a good starter system for trying Remix OS. It is an Android desktop system that when used with peripherals around the house is the cheapest solution.

The Kickstarter campaign for the Remix Mini will be starting soon, so if you want to get an Android PC for $20 you should get in early.

See related:

Jide Remix Ultra tablet: Paying homage to Microsoft Surface (hands on)

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