
Microsoft speculation makes me want to cry (but it's fun anyway)

Robert Scoble dropped some big hints about Microsoft's latest technology and it's so big that it brought a tear to his eye. Long Zheng tossed in that Microsoft has a site called Open Source Hero, indicated it might be related to Scoble's riff and then backtracked.
Written by Larry Dignan, Contributor

Robert Scoble dropped some big hints about Microsoft's latest technology and it's so big that it brought a tear to his eye. Long Zheng tossed in that Microsoft has a site called Open Source Hero, indicated it might be related to Scoble's riff and then backtracked.

Frankly, Zheng's tidbit is more intriguing to me.

But the only real solid thing here is that Microsoft--and its Next Media Research Group--is doing something on Feb. 27--and given this advance billing and embargo-go-round it's bound to be a let down.

Why is that? Given the speculation on Techmeme, we'll be expecting something so huge that it won't live up to hype. And then there's the myth that Microsoft can't possibly cook up anything cool and innovative so the software giant could reinvent computing and still get panned.

In any case, something potentially big is coming from Microsoft and a lot of folks have been briefed already. At this point, let's hand this pup off to Mary Jo Foley to figure out. By the way, there's no way that this new technology from Microsoft will stick to Feb. 27. Someone will break these NDAs and embargoes.

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