
MIX08 open for registration

One of my favorite conferences of the year, MIX, is now open for registration. Regardless of what you're doing in the RIA world I think MIX is a must-attend conference.
Written by Ryan Stewart, Contributor

One of my favorite conferences of the year, MIX, is now open for registration. Regardless of what you're doing in the RIA world I think MIX is a must-attend conference. Between MIX and MAX (I think that's hilarious) you'll have an excellent view of what's going to happen next in the ever-expanding realm of rich Internet applications.

What's new this year? Well Steve Ballmer is giving the keynote for one, which shows the level of commitment that Microsoft has for this conference. The party (always fantastic) is at Tao this year which should be a lot of fun. They have a chunk of the sessions listed on the site. It looks like the big focus for this year will be Silverlight 1.1 and there are a couple of Sync sessions that look interesting.

Last year MIX sold out, so if you want to attend, it's better to register sooner rather than later. It will be fun to go to this for the first time as an Adobe employee.

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