
My OS is the best OS because ...

I've come back from a long weekend (a long weekend of moving several PCs from mid towers to full towers and fitting 5-in-3 hard drive enclosures) to find my inbox crammed with OS related emails. It seems that something I said last week upset some readers.
Written by Adrian Kingsley-Hughes, Senior Contributing Editor

I've come back from a long weekend (a long weekend of moving several PCs from mid towers to full towers and fitting 5-in-3 hard drive enclosures) to find my inbox crammed with OS related emails. It seems that something I said last week (I'm guessing this post on Windows XP) upset some readers.

Here's a shortlist of people I seemed to have upset:

  • The "XP will must live forever" brigade People who are clinging to the XP security blanket. These people feel trapped. They've heard that Vista is rubbish so they don't want to go there, they don't want to take the Mac route, and they're not interested in Linux. For these folks XP is the apotheosis of operating systems. When Microsoft pulls the plug on XP in 2014 these people are going back to cuneiform tablets, despite claims from many that their next OS will be Linux.
  • You don't know anyone running Windows 95 ... well I'll show you I think that everyone who is still running Windows 95 has been in touch with me over the past few days. Some of these people are running Windows 95 because their financial situation doesn't allow them to upgrade. However, I'm seriously worried about people connecting to the Internet using Windows 95.
  • Team Mac Obviously a post on Windows XP is going to generate a lot of Mac chatter! Some Mac users seem to think that the reason that many XP users are resisting the change to Vista is because XP has been around for too long and Vista represents too much of a paradigm shift. Many in Team Mac suggest that XP users would be better off making the switch to Mac because upgrades come at a more regular interval and the learning curve is flattened to a learning bump.

Oddly enough, I didn't get that many emails from Linux users this time around. Shame really because when it comes to operating systems, some of the best insights come from Linux users because many of them have had first-hand experience with so many platforms.


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