
Olympics Victor: NBC, Over YouTube

So, NBC is "only" delivering 3.4 million or so streams of Olympic video from its Web site.
Written by Tom Steinert-Threlkeld, Contributor
So, NBC is "only" delivering 3.4 million or so streams of Olympic video from its Web site. That still beats YouTube's traffic, according to our source in the cloud. Since the Olympics began on Friday, 386 videos have appeared on YouTube's 10 channels of Beijing2008 coverage picking up clips generated by users around the world. By midday Wednesday (Aug. 13), those 386 videos had been viewed a total of 1.4 million times, this knowledgeable individual told Between The Lines. Which is interesting, given that we said NBC's traffic was not much, compared to that of YouTube, overall. So even if YouTube generates 132 million views of video streams every day, NBC still wins out, in Olympics viewing.

And the Internet has not melted under the demand for either NBC's coverage or viewing of YouTube's channels. No word yet from NBC on weekday streaming from www.nbcolympics.com.
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