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Roundup: When will the tech shares crisis end?

Oil prices, political problems, and slowing growth take a toll on tech markets
Written by ZDNet UK, Contributor
The latest round of plummeting tech shares was triggered by rising oil prices due to the Middle East crisis, analyst downgrades magnifying the effect of high-tech profit warnings, and mood swings in the Nasdaq being echoed by stock markets around the world. Analysts still say the Internet will change the world, but don't think tech shares will recover for a few more weeks. ZDNet UK brings you the latest. NEWS
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Tue, 17th OctOld-fashioned factors such as politics and oil have taken a toll on tech stocks. But the Internet will prevail in the end, say analysts Intel shares fall more than nine percent
Mon, 16th Oct Pricing war between Intel and AMD takes its toll UK tech stocks back in black
Mon, 16th Oct But despite two positive days for UK tech shares, experts say correction will continue Israeli tech companies react to tensions
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Thu, 12th Oct High penetration rates in parts of Europe and Asia means demand for mobiles is declining Investors cut Apple stock in half
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Market Madness
Steven Vaughan-Nichols says he doesn't know much about tech stocks but he thinks it must be time to start looking at long-term stock values. Having had our day-trade, instant-millionaire party; we've had the hangover. Now, it's time to drink the coffee and get on with investing for long-term value and gain. Why mighty Intel strikes out
In baseball terms, Intel is in a slump. Product delays. Mounting competition. And a stock price stuck in the dugout. Is the all-star chip maker suddenly minor league? Jesse Berst will tell you what's troubling Intel and what it means for the company's future Why Apple will bounce back
Matthew Rothenberg is not an Apple apologist, but -- so far -- he believes that few apologies are necessary, either from the Mac maker or its supporters. He says -- forget Wall Street: Apple is still a contender See ZDII for US tech investor news. See techTrader for more technology investment news, plus quotes and research. To have your say online click on the TalkBack button and go to the ZDNet News forum. Let the editors know what you think in the Mailroom. And read what others have said.
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