
Rumored Palm Centro2 is simply a marketing student's mock-up

It seems most manufacturers are trying to launch an iPhone large touch screen competitor (Nokia Tube, Samsung OMNIA, Touch Diamond, etc.). Even though you may have read some rumors today of a Palm Centro2 that device is not coming yet and you can actually see that the rumored ad is simply a mock-up ad created for a marketing class. Palm may want to consider making such a device, a Palm Centro with a full touch screen, since it seems like there has been lots of excitement over the prospects of this Centro2.
Written by Matthew Miller, Contributing Writer

It seems most manufacturers are trying to launch an iPhone large touch screen competitor (Nokia Tube, Samsung OMNIA, Touch Diamond, etc.). Even though you may have read some rumors today of a Palm Centro2 that device is not coming yet and you can actually see that the rumored ad is simply a mock-up ad created for a marketing class. Palm may want to consider making such a device, a Palm Centro with a full touch screen, since it seems like there has been lots of excitement over the prospects of this Centro2.

It is a bit funny to see that this ad was actually posted back on 22 November 2007 and is just now being found and reported on as an actual Palm device that is coming soon. There was even talk that this could be a Palm Linux device, but I have my doubts if we will actually ever see one of those hit the streets.

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