
Rumored Palm Treo Pro briefly appears online

Palm really needs to take a lesson from Apple on how to keep a secret. I don't think there has been a single Palm device released in the last few years that didn't appear online prior to any official announcement and according to Brighthand the Palm Treo Pro appeared briefly on Palm's own site earlier today. Is this a GSM variant of the recently released Treo 800w? We'll have to wait and see.
Written by Matthew Miller, Contributing Writer

Palm really needs to take a lesson from Apple on how to keep a secret. I don't think there has been a single Palm device released in the last few years that didn't appear online prior to any official announcement and according to Brighthand the Palm Treo Pro appeared briefly on Palm's own site earlier today (I was on the road in Ketchikan and couldn't see the site myself).

The Treo Pro will supposedly be a Windows Mobile device and with the recent release of the CDMA version Treo 800w, indications point to this new device being a GSM variant. The captures made of the device's flash video demo show it to have a slightly different button layout above the keyboard, with the same curves, 320x320 display, and similar keyboard. We don't know if this will also have 3G, WiFi, and GPS, but I think that is a safe bet if Palm wants to compete with all of the other mobile devices on the market today.

It is interesting that Palm is naming this the Treo Pro since we also have the HTC Touch Pro coming that is targeted at the enterprise market. Are you interested in the Palm Treo Pro?

UPDATE: Check out Pocket PC Thoughts for three captured images from the Palm site. As you can see it does have WiFi, the new microUSB port we saw on the Treo 800w, and a welcome 3.5 mm headset jack.

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