
Rupert Goodwins' Diary

Tuesday 27/02/2001Smartphones To Save World: Official! It's true -- mobile phones with high resolution screens and faberoonie software will be falling from the skies by 2004, neatly reinvigorating the somewhat jaded cellphone industry.
Written by Rupert Goodwins, Contributor
27/02/2001 Smartphones To Save World: Official! It's true -- mobile phones with high resolution screens and faberoonie software will be falling from the skies by 2004, neatly reinvigorating the somewhat jaded cellphone industry. Or so says a report from IDC, which predicts that faster networks, intelligent data management and streaming media will be the kickers. I dunno. I'll still be more than happy with a 3G add-on for my Palm. After all, nobody makes special telephones for broadband access, and anyone suggesting that you want a home terminal that just does streaming media and manages your address book would be laughed to scorn. People want to do different things with their connectivity, and PCs are the only economic way of satisfying everyone. The same will be true for fancy mobile access, and that's just as well. It's one thing to upgrade your phone every few months for the latest model, but you tend to stick with your PDA; it's too much hassle to move your life across platforms. If your mobile phone becomes your PDA, then bang goes the cellphone companies' main source of revenue.
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