
Rupert Goodwins' Diary

Thursday 3/1/2002Macworld is coming, and so are the rumours. One particularly pretty one is that there'll be a PDA: there's a video online, and it looks nice.
Written by Rupert Goodwins, Contributor

Thursday 3/1/2002

Macworld is coming, and so are the rumours. One particularly pretty one is that there'll be a PDA: there's a video online, and it looks nice. Then there's the super-big, super-pretty LCD monitor, and -- of course -- the flat-panel iMacs. Which ones will be true, which ones just dangleberries?

That remains to be seen, but it's all good clean fun. As is the speculation about Gigawire, Apple's new and still secret very fast communications protocol. Or interface. Or thing.

Noted Welsh Unix monument DJ Walker-Morgan has a cunning plan, which he outlines to me in a series of lightning-fast instant messages. Gigawire? 100mbps wireless LAN. Monitor is just a Gigawire device -- look ma, no cable. Other peripherals also Gigawire, so entire bome/office information hub works as Mac controlling household stuff with not a cable to be seen. Try doing that on a PC!

I calm him down, but it is intriguing. Doubtless by this time next week all will be clear, but once again it seems that wireless really is getting ready to change the IT world by more than we might think. Fantastic!

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