
Survey: Majority of American households now have HDTVs

Despite the recession, we still haven't completely put the brakes on when it comes to buying new TV sets. According to a new report by the Cable & Telecommunications Association for Marketing (CTAM), 53 percent of U.
Written by Sean Portnoy, Contributor

Despite the recession, we still haven't completely put the brakes on when it comes to buying new TV sets. According to a new report by the Cable & Telecommunications Association for Marketing (CTAM), 53 percent of U.S. households now own an HDTV, the first time a majority of the country's living rooms are high-def, and a big jump from the 35% HDTV penetration rate just last year.

Going hand in hand with this increase is an ever-climbing percentage of households that own a TV of 32 inches in size or bigger--59%, up from 52 percent in 2008 and 44 percent in 2007. More HDTV owners are figuring out that you need a high-def programming source to actually enjoy the extra resolution the set provides, and now 69 percent of these folk subscribe to an HD programming source, jumping from 56 percent last year. One thing consumers haven't felt the need to upgrade is their audio: 20 percent have home theater systems, which is unchanged from 2008.

How onboard are you with the HD revolution? Let us know in the poll below how many HDTVs in your home contribute to our nation's total.

[poll id="8"]

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