
TalkBack Central: Platform rivalries

Every day, seven days a week, at all hours -- day and night, I read the comments that are submitted to the ZDNet News TalkBacks. This is a part of my job here at ZDNet News.
Written by Tammy Cavadias, Contributor
Every day, seven days a week, at all hours -- day and night, I read the comments that are submitted to the ZDNet News TalkBacks. This is a part of my job here at ZDNet News. During my normal daily rounds, I've noticed a lot of posts about platform issues, and you have to admit, it's funny how much energy this kind of schoolyard rivalry seems to occupy.

"My daddy can beat up your daddy!"

"My mommy is prettier then your mommy!"

"My toys are better then your toys!"

Sounds like the days of childhood gone past, doesn't it? One would think so. Except in today's world this isn't rivalry between children, it's rivalry between adults -- my Mac is better then your PC, my operating system is better then your operating system.

Why do we as adults resort to such childish rivalries? Does it really matter what another's personal preference is? I just don't get it, and wish someone would explain to me, why it matters so much if the guy down the road or on the other side of the country uses a Mac or a PC, Windows or Linux.

If you like Macs then buy a Mac. If you like PCs then buy a PC. If you prefer Windows, then use Windows. If you prefer Linux, then use Linux. Whatever your personal preference happens to be, that is your preference, not mine or anyone else's. As adults we should be respecting the rights of others to their own personal preferences instead of trying to force our own preferences upon others.

The merits of each can be worth debating. I personally find Macs are better for graphic designing, PCs better for game playing. Windows better for their ease of use, Linux better for its ability to allow a user to tweak to their hearts content. Each has its own strengths and weaknesses. But stating Macs suck, PCs suck, Windows sucks or Linux sucks, solely on the grounds that it is a Mac, a PC, Windows or Linux without any other substance to back up the claim, is pure childish in my eyes.

With all the things wrong in this world of ours one would think we would have more important things to dwell on then what type of computer or operating system our neighbors or even people we don't know use. I have to admit I am baffled. And often wonder what is wrong with this world of ours that we have to argue over something that doesn't even affect us personally in any way, shape or form. Someone please explain to me what difference a personal platform choice really makes? I really would like to know.

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