
Thanks for the memory

If you’re a do-it-yourselfer who likes tricking out your computer with more memory OR just a systems integrator with a green conscience, OEMPCWorld.com has started a buyback program to dispose of old RAM more responsibly.
Written by Heather Clancy, Contributor

If you’re a do-it-yourselfer who likes tricking out your computer with more memory OR just a systems integrator with a green conscience, OEMPCWorld.com has started a buyback program to dispose of old RAM more responsibly.

Apparently, computer memory modules contain high levels of lead, which means they can’t be dumped into landfills.

Under the online retailer’s program, you can ship back your outdated RAM in exchange for a discount off the purchase price for your new memory. The retailer deals with both consumers and resellers.

OEMPCWorld.com will either redeploy the old memory or recycle it (extracting the lead).

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