

Thursday 1/05/2003It was with some trepidation I went into work today. The May Day Festival Of Anarchy, Bricks And Shouting was expected to have kicked off by the time I made my way into the City of London, and our building was hosting a large collection of rather bored policemen -- or iPlods, as someone called them.
Written by Rupert Goodwins, Contributor

Thursday 1/05/2003

It was with some trepidation I went into work today. The May Day Festival Of Anarchy, Bricks And Shouting was expected to have kicked off by the time I made my way into the City of London, and our building was hosting a large collection of rather bored policemen -- or iPlods, as someone called them. As I'm not the most dapper of men, I worried more that the boys in blue would consider me some sort of demonstrator trying to sneak in than I'd actually cop it from a crusty with a brick and a dislike of global media companies.

Nothing happened, of course. It's also notable that previously strident warnings about anarchists and cyber-terrorism were completely absent from the telly. Perhaps the lack of serious online mass destruction over the Iraq business finally convinced the authorities that crying wolf too often wasn't a good idea -- or perhaps cyber-terrorism continues to be much less attractive than the real thing.

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