
Want to record streaming audio? Here's how to do it for free

Shoutcast, which lets you listen to streaming audio in MP3 format, has one major weakness: It won't allow you to record the broadcasts. But Preston has found three add-on apps that'll let you record your favorite audio streams at no cost. So now you can listen to your programs anytime you want.
Written by Preston Gralla, Contributor
Streaming audio using Shoutcast is great--you can listen to Internet radio stations using the MP3 format. But it has one very big drawback: you can't record what you listen to. Wouldn't it be great if you could record your favorite Internet radio station or streaming broadcast?

Well, here's some good news--you can. ZDNet Asia Downloads has programs that will let you record audio streams and save them as MP3 files. And you won't have to pay to play--they're all free.

Stream Save lets you save Shoutcast audio streams as MP3 files. It will even let you schedule the time to start saving your streams, and reconnect to streams if your connection breaks. (Free/Win95-98-NT)

StreamRipper for WinAmp works from inside WinAmp to record Shoutcast audio streams as MP3 files. It works as a plug-in that you can run from the WinAmp menu. (Free/Win95-98-NT)

StreamRipper works like StreamRipper for WinAmp, except it's a standalone program. It's small, free, and easy to use. What else could you want? (Free/Win95-98-NT)

So time to do more than just listen to Shoutcast streams--you can now save them and listen to them later as well.

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