
Welcome new Science Scope editor Laura Shin

Please welcome new Science Scope editor Laura Shin, who will join Boonsri Dickinson to cover the research, development and invention behind scientific innovation.
Written by Andrew Nusca, Contributor

What does "science" mean, exactly?

Here's what the dictionary says:

The intellectual and practical activity encompassing the systematic study of the structure and behavior of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment.

If it sounds vague, it is -- because science encompasses a specific approach to so many different things that makes our world function, from genetics to geology.

On SmartPlanet, we have our own specific approach to science: find and understand the smart ideas that are changing our world for the better (or worse). Research, development, invention, innovation -- these are the words that guide the coverage of Science Scope, whether university, company or military-driven.

That's why we're happy to welcome Laura Shin, who will join Boonsri Dickinson in covering this expansive topic.

Hailing from Ohio but based in New York, Laura is a multi-talented journalist who has covered topics as diverse as the arts, personal finance and -- yep, you guessed it -- science.

Her work has appeared in the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, the Los Angeles Times, Audubon, SolveClimate.com and others.

She graduated Phi Beta Kappa with Honors from Stanford University (with a degree in Modern Thought and Literature, no less) as well as from Columbia University’s Graduate School of Journalism, specializing in science journalism.

We've given Laura carte blanche to find the best and brightest innovations. Watch this blog to see what happens.

Please welcome her! --The Editors

This post was originally published on Smartplanet.com

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