
Happy New Year!

Welcome to the new year. It's the last year we'll get to wear those goofy 200X glasses with the two 00's in the middle.
Written by Ed Burnette, Contributor

Welcome to the new year. It's the last year we'll get to wear those goofy 200X glasses with the two 00's in the middle. The first year of Windows 7. The year of Android. The year of financial crisis. The year of Obama, of life imitating art.

And of course to start the year, it's time for new year's resolutions. I'm going to list a few of mine and then invite you all to add yours in the comments. This year I resolve to:

  1. Lose 30 25 20 pounds.
  2. Learn how to spell anachronism, college, colleague, and a few other problem words.
  3. Start performing systematic backups!
  4. Spend less on gadgets (ok, not really).

How about you, what's your new year's resolution?

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