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Vonage to deliver "a mobile service": here's what I think it might be

USA Today ran an interview with Vonage founder, chair and current CEO Jeffrey Citron yesterday.The interview finds Jeff upbeat about the future of the company.
Written by Russell Shaw, Contributor

USA Today ran an interview with

Vonage founder, chair and current CEO Jeffrey Citron yesterday.

The interview finds Jeff upbeat about the future of the company. Interesting considering the stock is trading at $2 a share. But investor-related Vonage concerns are for another post.

Citron says there are lots of new features on the way, including what was referred to by reporter Leslie Cauley as "a mobile service."

I see that as far less likely to be a bundled service offering with a cell provider such as Cricket Wireless, as perhaps an alliance with a WiFi service provider and a revival of now-dormant Vonage compatible WiFi phones.

Maybe a branded Vonage WiFi phone co-branded with a company such as Boingo  Wireless and then configured for added compatibility with Boingo hotspots?

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