
Average digital TV to cost $690 in 2008

The number of TVs sold annually around the world, at 165 mln, is on a par with the number of PCs. But the average price per TV set is going up, while PCs are getting cheaper.
Written by ZDNET Editors, Contributor

The number of TVs sold annually around the world, at 165 mln, is on a par with the number of PCs. But the average price per TV set is going up, while PCs are getting cheaper. The average analog TV retails for $271 while a digital set goes for $1,370, but market research group InStat predicts that, with components such as LCD displays getting cheaper, the average price for a digital TV will drop to $690 by 2008. That will still, however, be well above the typical analog TV. More than 90 mln digital TV sets are expected to be sold in 2008.

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