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Blocking IP addresses

This is truly hard to believe unless you are a fan of Dave Barry. Congressional staffers have discovered the Internet!
Written by Richard Stiennon, Contributor

This is truly hard to believe unless you are a fan of Dave Barry. Congressional staffers have discovered the Internet! They must have read about the abuses possible at Wikipedia and investigated. They quickly found that they could anonymously alter entries on their congress people. They immediately began to "clean up" those entries. And they even went a step further and started posting nasty comments to entries on congressmen from (I assume) the other side of the aisle.

Wikipedia has posted an RFC that makes a cut and dry case against US Congressional staffers. The RFC details IP address ranges that are now blocked from getting access to Wikipedia. This is a great stop gap but of course anyone can shift IP addresses by connecting to the Internet through a different means. Take your laptop to Starbucks and connect via WiFi for instance. Or get a dial up account. Anyone at AOL notice a jump in subscriptions coming from the Beltway?

Here is what I believe should happen. Every single staffer that did this should be summarily dismissed and the Justice Department should investigate to determine if laws were broken. The Members of Congress whose staffers did this should also be investigated to see if they knew of or approved of these actions. (Why is plausible deniability so easy for members of Congress when it comes to anything remotely technical?)

Wikipedia should continue to clamp down on entries made on all politicos. Unless there is fast legal work this is just going to escalate.

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