
Brazilian government to reassess Internet steering committee

The public consultation process will evaluate the body's policies, last updated in 2003.
Written by Angelica Mari, Contributing Writer

The Brazilian government has launched a public consultation to evaluate the need for changes in the country's Internet steering committee, CGI.br.

According to the country's Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation, there is a need to understand whether the organization needs to update some of its areas of operation.

CGI.br was set up in 1995. The set of rules that regulate the organization was last updated in 2003.

The consultation will look into aspects such as the possibility of enhancing some of the body's areas of expertise, as well as the adoption of transparency guidelines and more participation from the general public in the work that it does.

The deadline for the online submission of contributions to the consultation is September 8. The MCTI will be evaluating the input, however it did not provide a deadline for making relevant opinions public and for acting on them.

CGI.br is composed of several ministries, private and third sector representatives, as well as academia.

The committee played an active role in the formulation of Brazil's Marco Civil da Internet, the country's first "Internet Constitution," passed in 2014.

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