
Buy an Amazon Kindle, support the Orchant family

Over the last couple of weeks, Marc Orchant and I have been having a friendly discussion about the Amazon Kindle vs. the Sony Reader and his arguments were so convincing that I was all set to order a Kindle for my business trips when I found out they were sold out. I know Marc loved to read and was quite impressed with Amazon's service and the Kindle. I was reading James' memorial post and saw a comment about a way to buy items from Amazon that would somehow benefit the Orchant family. I then decided that it would be very fitting to open an Amazon Associates account, particularly with the Kindle's generous 10% payments, and will be sending EVERYTHING made through this Amazon link directly to the Orchant family during this tragic time.
Written by Matthew Miller, Contributing Writer

Over the last couple of weeks, Marc Orchant and I have been having a friendly discussion about the Amazon Kindle vs. the Sony Reader and his arguments were so convincing that I was all set to order a Kindle for my business trips when I found out they were sold out. I know Marc loved to read and was quite impressed with Amazon's service and the Kindle. I was reading James' memorial post and saw a comment about a way to buy items from Amazon that would somehow benefit the Orchant family. I then decided that it would be very fitting to open an Amazon Associates account, particularly with the Kindle's generous 10% payments, and will be sending EVERYTHING made through this Amazon link directly to the Orchant family during this tragic time.

I also donated and encourage you to donate to support the Orchant family using Oliver Starr's donation link. If you plan to buy a Kindle or anything at Amazon, please use my affiliate code (zdnmobgad-20) and I'll send all the funds raised to the Orchants. Email me if you have any questions about my affiliate link.

My heart hurts to think about my wonderful mentor and friend and I sorely miss Marc.

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