
Embarcadero's new IDE enhancements – a sneaky peak

It’s not just Microsoft Office making waves with a 2010 release product push just now you know? Database tools player Embarcadero is currently showcasing ‘sneaky peaks’ of its RAD Studio 2010 IDE enhancements, which it hopes will up the ante in developer productivity.
Written by Adrian Bridgwater, Contributor

It’s not just Microsoft Office making waves with a 2010 release product push just now you know? Database tools player Embarcadero is currently showcasing ‘sneaky peaks’ of its RAD Studio 2010 IDE enhancements, which it hopes will up the ante in developer productivity.

Actually they are calling them sneak peaks – but sneaky peaks is so much better, so let’s stick with it.

I confess to not having commented on Embarcadero for some time now, so news of IDE enhancements is solid enough for a mention or two. Rather than list product names, the augmentations centre around features such as timesaving file search functions, consistent code formatting tools and new data visualisers to make debugging easier by displaying visual representations of data in definable forms.

There’s also a class explorer which claims to provide a configurable hierarchical view of class libraries throughout a project – and a debugger thread control tool to isolate individual threads within applications during debugging to track down problems faster.

Having followed companies like Embarcadero and perhaps Sybase too for some time now, I think they both play in a relatively special place in terms of being database tool vendors as well as pure play database vendors. I suppose it’s a logical progression if you consider the history of databases over the last 25 years or so. These are databases - all grown up - if you like.

I guess my blog headline could have almost been: “When is a database not a database? When it’s a database with an extended set of development tools, tabular management technologies and debugging add ons – oh and also some extensions for robustness and security of the data itself is going to need to be synchronised with various mobile devices back to the corporate data centre.”

But that would just have been silly – so I didn’t do that.

The corporate blurb – and jolly fine stuff it is too – tells us that, “Throughout August, Embarcadero will be showcasing sneak previews to show what’s in store for RAD Studio 2010 with its new 2010 versions of Delphi, C++Builder and Delphi Prism.”

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