

Friday 6/12/2002Graeme looks a little peaky this morning. Not content with his mugging at BTopenworld, he continued his voyage into the broadband bash scene with a visit to the Telewest party last night.
Written by Rupert Goodwins, Contributor
Friday 6/12/2002
Graeme looks a little peaky this morning. Not content with his mugging at BTopenworld, he continued his voyage into the broadband bash scene with a visit to the Telewest party last night. And what would better befit a company at the cutting edge of home and corporate technology than a big collection of videogames -- Xbox, motorcycle and car driving arcade cabinets dotted around the place among other entertainments. It's a shame, therefore, that the party is plunged into darkness due to a power cut, and the majority of the evening is spent playing table football by candlelight. Not exactly what you expect. It made for a very dodgy trip to the gents as well, said Graeme, mouthing the words "dripping wax" and wincing in a most engaging way. We fear we too must brand the man: having read some of the things certain young ladies wrote on their business cards before handing them over, the term ubertart seems in no way too harsh. To have your say online click on TalkBack and go to the ZDNet UK forums.
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