
Google Suggest goes live, will people like it?

Google Suggest is a feature that gives you automatic recommendations when you begin to search for something -- it's eluded the official Google homepage for several years, but today it has finally found it's way there. The question now, as Philipp Lenssen puts it, is weather it will be useful or annoying in the long run.
Written by Garett Rogers, Inactive

Google Suggest is a feature that gives you automatic recommendations when you begin to search for something -- it's eluded the official Google homepage for several years, but today it has finally found it's way there. The question now, as Philipp Lenssen puts it, is weather it will be useful or annoying in the long run.

I would suggest (no pun intended) that Google has probably done enough experimentation to determine that it will be a positive experience for everyone. I come to this conclusion because I know how protective they are of their homepage -- even adding the privacy link at the bottom took forever, and even then the word "Google" was removed to compensate for the added word.

What do you think of Google Suggest on the main page?

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