
How about using an endoscopic webcam with Skype?

(image via Dan's Data)Phil from Skype Journal has linked to Dan Rutter's review of one of the most potentially exciting applications for using Skype I have seen in a long time.Basically, it would involve hooking up a type of digital pen camera known as the eTime Home Endoscope to act as a Webcam.
Written by Russell Shaw, Contributor

(image via Dan's Data)

Phil from Skype Journal has linked to Dan Rutter's review of one of the most potentially exciting applications for using Skype I have seen in a long time.

Basically, it would involve hooking up a type of digital pen camera known as the eTime Home Endoscope

to act as a Webcam. Once enabled, the device would be able to show finely detailed objects within Skype video sessions.

So let's just say you are selling coins on eBay. Using your Endoscope, you would be able to pan over the surface of the coin, and present it to prospective buyers in a high-resolution that would be real-time rather than a series of high-res stills that simply evoke more questions from your would-be buyer.

But let us not stop there.

I could also see how the eTime Home Endoscope could be effective in telemedicine. Without getting too e-w-w-w gross, a Skype-using rural resident could do a Skype session with a clinic, nd pan over skin infections, burns, a baby's first tooth, or even something internal such as... oh you don't want to know but I am serious here.

Then, depending on what the clinician sees, then it might be time for a visit.

Makes sense to you, or are you wonderin' what I have been smoking?

I don't smoke, FYI.

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