
I can live without gold, buy less gasoline, but NO salmon!

Awright, this commodities thing is getting outta hand. I can ignore gold at over $1000 per ounce.
Written by Harry Fuller, Contributor

Awright, this commodities thing is getting outta hand. I can ignore gold at over $1000 per ounce. I wasn't gonna really buy my wife an anniversary ring anyway. And walking more, buying less gas, will be good for me. Sure coffee will go to $10 a cup and anything with corn syrup will double in price. That's to be expected, right? But, dammit no salmon?

So gold is above $100, oil is over $115/barrel but salmon may become priceless this spring. There will be no Chinook salmon season in the lower 48 states this year. No fish. Why? No idea. You gotta suspect they didn't all die of natural causes, right?

By mid-summer you may once again be able to find salmon, though I'll not guarantee you can afford it. Alaskan officials are predicting a pretty good salmon haul when their fishing begins in July.

Allthis is good news for the fish farmers in the salmon biz, guess you'll pay more for your hand-raised salmon.

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