
I'm a dad and almost a grad...what's on my wishlist?

Technically I won't be graduating until August when I wrap up my master's thesis, but I'm pretty close. The four kids hanging around my house asking for food and money probably qualify me as a dad, too.
Written by Christopher Dawson, Contributor

Technically I won't be graduating until August when I wrap up my master's thesis, but I'm pretty close. The four kids hanging around my house asking for food and money probably qualify me as a dad, too. So the question is, as a geeky guy deserving of some giftage, what do I want?

I want an Asus Eee. No doubt about it. I'm taking a group of really sharp juniors on a field trip to MIT and Worcester Polytech tomorrow and I really want to be able to toss a computer in my bag. It's also going to be 90 degrees in Boston tomorrow and even my diminutive MacBook is a little more than I want to carry. Besides, my life, though backed up, is on my MacBook. As I'm banging around the Green Line on a quick jaunt over to the Apple Store, I really don't want my MacBook banging around with me (yes, I do see the irony there). It doesn't even have to be the 9" model. The cheap 2GB 7" model would be just fine. I just want to be able to write or surf anytime, anywhere, and not be horrified at the prospect of an overzealous high school student sitting on my computer as he jumps into my van.

I've actually been recommending these little guys to a lot of grads this year. While laptop prices have come down a lot, there remains something very attractive about having a high-powered desktop back in your dorm room (especially for gamers) while still being able to take a laptop to classes, the library, the Quad, or wherever. It never used to be an option for the average college student to afford 2 computers. Enter cheap, Linux-running netbooks.

So what else do I want? I think 4 boys, a dog, a cranky cat, and a ferret qualify me for more than one gift. So here it is. I've said it before, , but I still really want a Kindle. No, I don't think these are poised just yet to revolutionize the textbook market. They have a couple more generations to go before that happens. However, with their recent price cuts, Kindles are almost becoming attainable for average joes who like to read. I really, really like to read. I really, really want a Kindle.

I can't say that I've recommended a Kindle to a single grad, though. These are gadgets for serious readers and, unfortunately, leisure reading seems to be a dying art among too many of my hyperconnected former students.

Honestly, my needs are modest. I only have one more item on my wishlist. It's a small thing, really. Anyone care to pay off my student loans?

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