
"iPhone" is Google's "fastest rising U.S. search term" of 2007: here's why

Interviewed on NBC-TV's Today Show this morning, Google VP of Search and User Experience Marissa Mayer revealed the list of 2007's "fastest rising U.S.
Written by Russell Shaw, Contributor

Interviewed on NBC-TV's Today Show this morning, Google VP of Search and User Experience Marissa Mayer revealed the list of 2007's "fastest rising U.S. search terms."

And hey guess what. iPhone ranked number one.

Arrington has the list here.

The top ranking is a bit puzzling. I mean, if you want to know about the iPhone, just type: www.iphone.com. Almost immediately, your browser will be redirected the actual iPhone landing page.

Hmm, must be something else going on here. I am guessing that much of the "iPhone" search traffic on Google- especially during the time of the gadget's debut six months ago- was News searches.

But why bother when we cover the subject here?

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