
Kelsey: Directory searches up

The Kelsey Report believes total directional media usage in the United States, including print Yellow Pages, online Yellow Pages and local commercial search, will grow from 21.5 billion searches in 2002, to 28.
Written by ZDNET Editors, Contributor

The Kelsey Report believes total directional media usage in the United States, including print Yellow Pages, online Yellow Pages and local commercial search, will grow from 21.5 billion searches in 2002, to 28.7 billion searches in 2008. Print directory lookups will decline during this period from 15.1 billion in 2002, to 12.5 billion in 2008. Weekly frequency of printed directories will decline during the same period from 1.4 in 2002, to less than 1.1 in 2008. However, total weekly frequency, including all directional media, will rise from 2.0 in 2002 to almost 2.5 in 2008.

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