
LastGraph visualizes your music history

Last.fm keeps track of the songs you listen to, and gives you stats about recently played tracks, most played tracks, most played artists, and it's social.
Written by Andrew Mager, Inactive

Last.fm keeps track of the songs you listen to, and gives you stats about recently played tracks, most played tracks, most played artists, and it's social.

LastGraph helps you analyze this data with beautiful visualizations.

You can follow trends in your listening habits, and see which artists were popular at any given time. Easily identify when albums were released, or if other major events caused you to listen to an artist more or less.

There are a few different color schemes that you can play around with:

Here is a sample of my music graph:

This graphic shows my listening habits for the past two years:

My music habits for 2 years

If you are a Last.fm user, try it out. Send me a link to your posters in the comments below, and let me know what you thought of the experience.

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