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MI5 looks to recruit techies

Security service wants to hire a number of IT staff and is rolling out adverts to attract potential applicants
Written by Steve Ranger, Global News Director

MI5 is launching an advertising campaign aimed at recruiting up to 500 new staff — including tech experts.

Adverts will appear on buses and the London Underground as the UK security service seeks to raise its profile as an employer, especially for staff not traditionally associated with the service, such as IT professionals and mechanics, according to a report in the Financial Times.

The security service is looking to recruit a number of IT staff according to ads posted on its website.

One advert reads: "So technology-reliant is our work that IT in all its forms is absolutely central, not peripheral, to our business. For a first-rate second-line support environment that asks more of your team and interpersonal skills, you now know where to come — right to the heart of MI5."

MI5 said this is a "demanding time" for the service, with new systems being developed, new teams being set up and new ways of working being rolled out.

The advert continues: "As well as supporting and upgrading existing systems, you could be delivering the next generation of systems to protect Britain from terrorist threats and espionage."

But if you are interested, don't think you'll start work right away; MI5 reckons applications may take around six months to process.

The service is looking for a network security specialist, technical project managers and software developers, with more details of jobs at MI5 available on the MI5 careers website.

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