
Mobile Speed Demon: Wireless Surpasses Landline - AT&T Mobility

Mobile Speed Demon: Wireless Surpasses LandlineAuthor: Eric Everson, Founder MyMobiSafe.comAs I look around my house and throughout my network of friends, I instantly realize that there is one thing that we all share… we have all scrapped our landline phones.
Written by MobileTech , Contributor

Mobile Speed Demon: Wireless Surpasses Landline Author: Eric Everson, Founder MyMobiSafe.com

As I look around my house and throughout my network of friends, I instantly realize that there is one thing that we all share… we have all scrapped our landline phones. As millions have discovered, the dual billing of landline and mobile services has become obsolete in the strides of quality that wireless service has seen. Add to that the compounding proofs that computers are steadily being replaced by handheld mobile devices and the recent “20 megabits per second” announcement by my old comrade Ralph de la Vega of AT&T Mobility. It seems that in the battle for technology supremacy mobile is carving out a solid future.

Having worked in broadband engineering before going mobile myself, that recent announcement by Ralph de la Vega resonates with me. As Fortune.com recently shared, “AT&T's mobility chief Ralph de la Vega says the company will deliver speeds "exceeding 20 megabits per second" sometime in 2009.” Considering that USA Today article of 2007 which suggested that, the median U.S. download speed is about 1.97 megabits per second the promise of 20 megabits per second bodes well for U.S. high-speed Internet connections.

Having been in broadband it is important to note that broadband speed is a function of network capacity above all else. In essence the more capacity a network offers, the more speed it can deliver. With that said “speed” then permits better Internet applications such as social networking, gaming, and video streaming. If my Nostradamus-like senses are intact, I do predict handhelds replacing traditional computers in the foreseeable future.

With security always on my mind, the combination of promised speed and the developments in the way of open source mobile applications are dually carving out the niche of mobile security as a fundamental necessity moving forward.

Your mobile security guru, Eric Everson

Eric Everson, Founder MyMobiSafe.com

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