
Save a few bucks on a good conference

I'm going to be attending the Blog Business Summit (BBS) in Seattle October 25 to 27, a great event led by Steve Broback and featuring Robert Scoble, Jason Calacanis, Buzz Bruggeman and D.L.
Written by Mitch Ratcliffe, Contributor

I'm going to be attending the Blog Business Summit (BBS) in Seattle October 25 to 27, a great event led by Steve Broback and featuring Robert Scoble, Jason Calacanis, Buzz Bruggeman and D.L. Byron. Each BBS has been practical and thought-provoking, a tough combination to pull off for conferences these days, they typically aim either at high-think or introductory-level surveys to serve a "target audience" rather than getting an interesting mix of people together. At the BBS, you get first-time corporate folks who are trying to figure out blogging and accomplished practitioners talking ROI, strategy and future. Good stuff.

I had lunch with Steve Broback of the Blog Business Summit yesterday and he passed along this discount code that will save you $100 if you're interested in attending: BLBS06 

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