
SCO case will end with a whimper

A negative example can be as powerful as a positive one.
Written by Dana Blankenhorn, Inactive
No case has done more to de-legitimize the use of lawsuits against open source than the SCO vs. IBM case.

Did you know it's still going on?

Well, it is. But maybe not for much longer.

Judge Brooke Wells has thrown out most of SCO's claims, saying they were not specific. The media action agrees with the position of Groklaw's Pamela Jones, that the remaining claims are too minor to be worth much, and the case is pretty much over.

Before this all fades into history, however, at least one hand clap for the folks at SCO. Their legal over-reaching, their lack of specificity, their constant bloviating, their legal contortions, all these things changed the industry for the better. They showed everyone the road you don't want to go down, not if you really care about innovation, and led many, many large enterprises to give the open source process a try.

A negative example can be as powerful as a positive one.

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