
So about that Leopard OS...

Oliver Rist's PC Magazine rant about Mac's Leopard release has been receiving a fair amount of attention on Digg and Slashdot. Here's a Mac convert who's really upset given that, by his report (and certainly echoed by countless other users), the previous Tiger release "just worked.
Written by Christopher Dawson, Contributor

Oliver Rist's PC Magazine rant about Mac's Leopard release has been receiving a fair amount of attention on Digg and Slashdot. Here's a Mac convert who's really upset given that, by his report (and certainly echoed by countless other users), the previous Tiger release "just worked." He commented,

I had to be talked, wined, dined, and peer-pressured into buying my first MacBook Pro this past January. But once I plunked down the bucks for the slightly less hardware oomph per dollar than I'm used to, I was impressed by one thing: Everything. Just. Worked. Period.

Tiger just works. End of story.

I can't say that I've ever been a fan of the Mac in Ed Tech given their lack of a low-end offering (For my own needs, I'm completely satisfied with Linux, but Mac ultraportable rumors have certainly piqued my interest; we'll see where that stands when it's time for me to snag a new computer. However, my needs, and those of the general student/staff population tend to be quite different). This is becoming increasingly true as I move away from the desktop PC towards server-centric and Web-based approaches. However, there are still a lot of Mac users in Ed Tech.

Given my very limited experience with Tiger and Leopard, I'd like your input. Mac users out there, feel free to submit a guest blog (we've had a few great submissions, by the way, but none very closely related to Ed Tech; keep them coming), and certainly take the poll and talk back below. How well has Tiger (or the other OS X versions) served you? Are you moving to Leopard? How about new purchases that have Leopard pre-loaded? What are your early impressions of Leopard? Is it as frustrating as Oliver Rist claims?

[poll id=29]

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