
The next generation will deal with global warming, we promise

That's the bottom line out of the G8 Summit in Japan where the world's eight biggest economies are meeting. They have pledged to halve greenhouse gas emissions by 2050.
Written by Harry Fuller, Contributor

That's the bottom line out of the G8 Summit in Japan where the world's eight biggest economies are meeting. They have pledged to halve greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. By then all the current leaders and this humble scrivener will be long gone. Our children will probably be gone, as well as many of you humble readers. This is called passing the buck big time.

We'll deal with this seriously...some time...way in the future. The current Kyoto Protocol has about two years to go and there is no new global agreement to replace it yet. Meanwhile the world's top two greenhouse gassers are NOT even signatory to the current agreement: China and the U.S. The G8 did promise soon to have country-by-country emission goals, ah, that would also be in the future. So you can see we are really gearing up here to get to get ready to ...

The most cynical, nastiest part of this G8 "agreement?" It gives no base line year...by 2050 we will be half the emission of ... what year? So as we march into the glorious future we no year by year goals to hit, all is well, the next guy will deal with this. If real estate was not already hurting, this alone should cut the resale value of any parcel less than twenty feet above current sea level.

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