
What a competitive health insurance market looks like

Rather than argue about public vs. private visions of health care, it might be fun for you to try out sites like GoHealthInsurance and see how well they meet your needs.
Written by Dana Blankenhorn, Inactive

GoHealthInsurance.com logoNorvax is an online marketing company whose slogan is "driving sales through technology."

It has a lot of insight into what a truly competitive health insurance market might look like, which it shared in a press release yesterday.

The bottom line is consumers want help. This, according to Norvax, is its sweet spot. The release is actually an ad for its GoHealthInsurance.com site, offering comparisons of 70 different carrier plans.

Among those carriers are Aetna, Humana, Blue Cross plans like Anthem, and Assurant.

Norvax also offers LeadMiner, an autoresponder that adds price quotes to emails. The company calls this drip marketing, the use of repeated electronic "touches" to bring prospects down the sales funnel.

Should Republicans win the present argument on health care companies like Norvax and NextStudent, which has moved out of selling student loans and into selling short-term health policies, are going to make a lot of money.

Many other companies are also positioning themselves for an explosion of demand for individual health insurance policies.

Rather than argue about public vs. private visions of health care, it might be fun for you to try out sites like GoHealthInsurance and see how well they meet your needs.

This is what the Republicans want for you. Give them a chance to please.

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