
What to pack when travelling

This week, I'm bringing The M Files halfway across the globe from sunny Singapore to rainy Seattle. Here's what I packed for my trip:Backups, backups and more backups: I always back up my e-mail and lock it up safely in the office before travelling.
Written by Lee Lup Yuen, Contributor

This week, I'm bringing The M Files halfway across the globe from sunny Singapore to rainy Seattle. Here's what I packed for my trip:

Backups, backups and more backups: I always back up my e-mail and lock it up safely in the office before travelling. For those very important presentation files, I back them up to a CD, USB drive and portable hard disk. And I put them separately into my carry-on bag and my check-in luggage. So if I lose my laptop and/or my carry-on bag and/or my check-in luggage, I still have my important files with me. (Unless I lose all 3.)

Extra SIM Cards: I'm not confident that mobile roaming works 100 percent everywhere, so I bring extra SIM cards for other mobile operators. I can't afford to lose mobile contact with the rest of the world.

Extra Laptop Power Adapter: If my laptop's power adapter blows, there's no way I can survive on my laptop battery for long. So I bring an extra laptop power adapter. I bring an extra phone charger too.

Power Socket Adapters: I have a collection of power socket adapters for all places around the world. I bring the right one with me when I travel; I haven't seen an all-in-one adapter that works right for me.

Power Extension Cable: I'll be working around the clock because of the different time zones, so I'll have to extend the power socket to my bed where I can work comfortably overnight.

Network Extension Cable: The network points are always too far away from the bed, so I'll be using my extra-long network extension cable.

Blank CDs: If I need to share my presentation slides with my customers, I can burn them on CDs and give away the CDs. And I bring a CD marker too.

What do you pack when you travel?

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