
YouTube HD coming within 3 months

If you like YouTube, but you don't get too excited about the quality of the videos, reports of a high quality player have started to circulate. According to Steve Chen, the feature is already being tested, and the public should expect to see the new functionality within three months.
Written by Garett Rogers, Inactive

If you like YouTube, but you don't get too excited about the quality of the videos, reports of a high quality player have started to circulate. According to Steve Chen, the feature is already being tested, and the public should expect to see the new functionality within three months.

Does YouTube need higher quality videos though? Even Steve, co-founder of YouTube, asks the question -- do we need to fix what isn't broken?

Most viewers are interested in content itself than a higher quality. What they’ve seen through past successes, people get more fed up having to wait for buffering. It’s ‘good enough’ right now. - YouTube co-founder Steve Chen on YouTube video quality

The new technology they are testing will work for people regardless of their bandwidth. The new player supposedly will serve up higher quality videos for people with a fast enough connection. What do you think? Will a higher quality YouTube actually make the service any better? or will slower buffer times take away any advantage the higher quality provides?

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