Matthew Miller

Matthew Miller started using mobile devices in 1997 and has been writing news, reviews, and opinion pieces ever since. Matthew started using mobile devices with a US Robotics Pilot 1000 and has owned hundreds of devices running Palm, Linux, Symbian, Newton, BlackBerry, iOS, Android, webOS, Windows Mobile, and Windows Phone operating systems. His current collection includes the latest and greatest foldables, wearables, and more, along with classic devices like the Apple Newton MessagePad 2100 and Sony CLIE UX50. Matthew can be found on various social networks under the user name of "palmsolo."

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Get hands-free directions sent wirelessly to your Dash Express GPS device

Get hands-free directions sent wirelessly to your Dash Express GPS device

I briefly saw the Dash Express internet connected GPS unit at CES earlier this year, but I haven't paid enough attention to it since then and am actually pretty blown away by how functional and connected the device really is and should be getting a chance to spend some time with one soon and post a detailed review here for you all. Two cool new connected services were announced this morning that let you get directions to a location you know the address for sent right to your Dash after making a phone call and also get directions to a business that is found with Windows Live Search via a phone call. These two new services let you get directions sent wirelessly to your Dash after you make a simple phone call so there is no on-screen interaction required with your Dash and you can go hands-free for safer driving.

September 10, 2008 by in Hardware