
Soluto: The state of Windows 8

Does Windows 8 crash more or less than Windows 7? What devices is it installed on? How many BSoDs are users seeing per month? Soluto answers these -- and more -- questions.
Written by Adrian Kingsley-Hughes, Senior Contributing Editor

Does Windows 8 crash more or less than Windows 7? What devices is it installed on? How many Blue Screens of Death are users seeing per month?


Cloud-based PC management service company Soluto has posted data that attempts to shed light on Microsoft's newest operating system. And it makes interesting reading.

According to Soluto, Windows 8 accounts for 3.12 percent of operating systems, with Windows 7 accounting for 69.7 percent, and the aging Windows XP accounting for 18.7 percent.

When it comes down to devices, 50.7 percent of Windows 8 installs are on desktops, 44.5 percent on notebooks, and 4.6 percent on tablets.  This breakdown is similar to that of Windows 7, where 48.5 percent on installs are on desktops, 49.9 percent on notebooks, and 1.6 percent on tablets.

Even given Windows 8's heavy reliance on touch, the desktop is still a dominant platform, and is the one that benefits least from all the touch improvements.

When it comes to crashes, it seems that Windows 8 users see only 3.1 per month compared to 7.1 per month for Windows 7 users. This may be down to Windows 8 being more robust than Windows 7, or it could simply be down to people having less detritus installed on Windows 8 systems.


Topping Windows 8 crashes is Windows Explorer.

The data also shows that Windows 8 users see fewer non-responsive apps and fewer BSoDs than Windows 7 users.


All stats are based on anonymous data collected from the Soluto community.

Image source: Soluto.

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