
Big Brother is in Redmond

Besides recent SP3 surprises I had another computer event that surprised me. I had to reboot Debbie!
Written by Xwindowsjunkie , Contributor

Besides recent SP3 surprises I had another computer event that surprised me. I had to reboot Debbie! I did an update on her and one of the suggested updates was a kernel update that required a reboot. I followed the message on the screen, did the reboot after everything installed and was back up and running again before I realized what had happened. I've been so “programmed” by Windows I didn't even realized I'd rebooted my Debian server without even thinking about it!

It just goes to show you how much "mindshare" Microsoft has. Even in somebody that is actively antagonistic towards the Redmond Gorilla!

Makes the Apple "Big Brother" commercial extremely prophetic? Double-plus right!

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